Join our next Sunday Gathering, May 19th at 10 am, at the Brunelle Theater. Or tune in to our live stream on youtube

Join us sundays at 10 AM

New Staff, New Groups, New Things- Worth Celebrating!


After 18 months we finally worshipped together on a Sunday morning in the Brunelle Theater. For me, it was a very surreal experience of: “We’re back and it feels like we never left,” and “Wow, it’s been a long time since we’ve been here!”

I know this is a strange time. It’s worth celebrating, for sure, our return “home” so to speak. And yet, with the Delta variant, with covid issues in local elementary schools, and with the reality that this is NOT the finish line but the next chapter of the pandemic, it’s hard to be overly celebratory.

I get that! I feel that deeply in this moment.

However, there are a few things that are worthy of celebration. First, thank you to everyone who helped make our Theater Gathering possible. I’m so grateful for your help! If you would like to help with a future Gathering please email our team.

Second, this Sunday we welcomed Antonio and Gabby Reyes to our staff team. Antonio will be preaching this Sunday, and then he gets started in this new role: helping us build community and lead our group life forward.

Third, speaking of group life, this is a great time to get involved in our Groups. Our primary form of community life at Discovery is our Mid-Sized Communities. MSCs are groups of 20-50 people who journey together to worship God, grow in relationship with each other, and bless those they live, work, and play with. You can find out more and get in touch with one of the MSC teams here.

We also have three awesome short term groups (groups that meet 5-8 times a quarter) this fall. We continue our contemplative practices with Grace Cooper in a group that examines the spiritual discipline of Celebration. Email Grace to get involved!

Discovery Women will be meeting on Thursdays to study the book of Jude together. Email the team for more info.

Finally, our fall “Questions” conversation will be about the Bible, and how “not” to read the Bible. Should be fun! Email me if you are interested. 

Grace and Peace,