Join our next Sunday Gathering, May 19th at 10 am, at the Brunelle Theater. Or tune in to our live stream on youtube

Join us sundays at 10 AM

Happy Thanksgiving!

Dear Discovery,

We wish you and your loved ones a happy Thanksgiving! The holiday looks very different this year, yet we hope you are able to connect safely, even if that is through a phone call or eating together on zoom!

In this season of gratitude and giving thanks (check out Steve's most recent teaching), we express our thanks and gratitude to you, our Discovery family. Your faithfulness to prayer, giving and staying connected with us and with each other has been such a gift in this crazy year we call 2020.

We want to leave you with a reminder that starting this Sunday, November 30th, we will be back to gathering digitally, with services on YouTube! If you haven't yet, take a moment to subscribe to our channel so you don't miss out on anything.

Happy Thanksgiving!

The Discovery Team