Join our next Sunday Gathering, May 19th at 10 am, at the Brunelle Theater. Or tune in to our live stream on youtube

Join us sundays at 10 AM

Happy Spring!

Happy Spring Discovery!

I have three simple updates for you this month.

First, we are celebrating the addition of Yuan Cheng to our elder team. Yuan and Joy are a gift to our community, and I already see Yuan adding tremendous value to the leadership and care of the church.

Second, we have had a good response so far to the giving challenge we issued at the end of January. February was a strong month financially and March seems to be continuing that trend. You can follow our progress in the worship guides as we are doing our best to provide accurate numbers week by week.

We still have a ways to go, so give as you can and please pray for God’s provision. If you are looking to give a gift or to give regularly you can click here to get that process started.

Finally, Easter is a month away. This is a very natural moment to extend invitations to people who may otherwise not attend a Sunday morning gathering. We’ll have physical invitations available for you to share with the people in your life.

We will also be celebrating Baptisms on Easter and if you have given your life to following Jesus but have yet to be baptized now would be a great time to take this step of publicly proclaiming your allegiance to Jesus. If you are ready to take this step or have questions about baptism email me, or Roli.

Grace and Peace, 
