Join our next Sunday Gathering, May 19th at 10 am, at the Brunelle Theater. Or tune in to our live stream on youtube

Join us sundays at 10 AM

Halloween Fun and Opportunities


On Sunday, Pastor Antonio invited us into the Practice of Outreach (or service) with a great teaching from Luke 10 (the famous story of the Good Samaritan). If you missed it, go check it out here.

As always we have a “practice the Practice” resource which you can find here. In addition to the opportunities listed there, we can always use more hands on Sunday morning. If you are interested in serving in this way (setting up, greeting, etc) send an email to and we’ll get you going!

Speaking of serving, we still have a few spots available for a 45 minute shift at the Treat Trail. The Treat Trail is a Halloween tradition hosted by the Downtown Davis Business Association (the event runs 2:30-5:00 pm on Sunday the 31st). Because of our presence downtown we get to participate, and this is a fun and easy way to bless our city. If you are able to take one of the final shifts, email (ps. Families…this is a great way to serve as a family and then hit the treat trail for your own haul of candy)!

Finally, since it is Halloween on Sunday we are welcoming (even encouraging) kids to come in costume (and adults as well, after all: Fun Is Spiritual). Treats will be provided for the kids (after the Gathering ;) ).**

Grace and Peace,
The Discovery Team


**If you have reservations about Halloween, remember that the holiday has its roots in the Christian Tradition of All Saints Day. Read more about All Saints here