Join our next Sunday Gathering, May 19th at 10 am, at the Brunelle Theater. Or tune in to our live stream on youtube

Join us sundays at 10 AM

Continue the ConterCulture Conversation

Discovery Family!

I continue to appreciate this community so much. I am grateful for each of you: for how you bear the image of God to one another, for your love for our city, your desire to serve, and for your flexibility (moving to the park, then back to the theater). I love being on this adventure with you!

And I appreciate you all leaning into our current conversation: CounterCulture. It can feel like following Jesus already raises enough tension with the larger culture of our current moment, so naming it explicitly and aiming to be different can feel unnerving. But, at the same time, the countercultural narrative of the Kingdom of God brings us freedom and purpose and even joy. Thank you for your engagement with this and for your feedback on the conversation so far! 

As we delve into these big themes of Relationship, Friendship, Community, Singleness, Sex, Celibacy, Marriage, the Heart, Engergies, Passions, and so many other connected things, we wanted to offer a few resources for further reading, studying, pondering, and, of course, conversation. As we like to say at Discovery: Sunday morning is a first word, a beginning to the conversation, not the final word.

May these resources be helpful to you as you grow in the Kingdom of Right Relationships and the amazing community that God (Father, Son, and Spirit) invites us into.

Grace and peace,