Join our next Sunday Gathering, May 19th at 10 am, at the Brunelle Theater. Or tune in to our live stream on youtube

Join us sundays at 10 AM

"Striving together"..."whatever happens"

“Whatever happens...conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ...stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith...our citizenship is in heaven.” Philippians 1:27 & 3:20

Discovery Family, continues to be crazy times here in Davis, in the United States, in this world, in 2020. Which is why those words in Phil. 1:27 leap off the page: Whatever Happens.

I’ve read that verse many times before, and those words, “whatever happens,” barely register. More often I want to know about “conduct,” and discuss what “worthy manner" means.

All the more, our moment cries out for an alternative approach, a different way to be human, a counter culture. This is us, Discovery. This is our calling.

Some ways for us to continue to live and grow into that identity this month:

  • We will continue to Gather In Person through November 22nd. Bet Haverim have been such great hosts and so awesome to work with. We are very grateful for their hospitality.
  • Our Discovery Groups are ongoing and continue to be a great space for connection, community, and processing what we are learning as a church.
  • We have a race and justice workshop, “Forward Together,” coming up on Monday, November 16th. This is a vital conversation and I hope many of you will join us to press into this together. RSVP here by November 11th.
  • We have a year end Examen retreat on Saturday, November 21st. This will be a great space to slow down and process this crazy year, seeking to name where God has met us in all the ups and downs and twists and turns. More information and to RSVP here.
  • Finally, we have seen an awesome response to the InterFaith Rotating Winter Shelter's ask- for items to furnish apartments for transitional housing for people in our community without homes. Now, they are looking for volunteers to help put the apartments together. If you have time this weekend, email Sarah Danley ( and she will put you to work for a few hours on Saturday.

That’s a lot! But I am grateful for your ongoing faithfulness and commitment to the mission. May we continue to “strive together” to help people discover the good news of Jesus.

Grace and peace,