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Let There be Rest

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Let There be Rest

Our culture is one that promotes and rewards those who work hard and go above and beyond no matter what the cost. But what would it look like to rest the way God intended? What does the Bible say about resting and being refreshed? Listen in on our 4 week mini-series as we dig into Sabbath and what the Bible says about resting.

April 29, 2018

Sabbath, Heaven's Appetizer

Series: Let There be Rest Topic: Sunday Message Verse: Hebrews 3:7– 4:13

April 22, 2018

New is Always Better

Speaker: Steve Boutry Series: Let There be Rest Topic: Sunday Message Verse: Luke 6:1–11

April 15, 2018

Sabbath Sabotaged

Series: Let There be Rest Topic: Sunday Message Verse: Isaiah 30:15, Matthew 11:28–30

April 8, 2018

The Heart of Sabbath Rest

Speaker: Yuan Cheng Series: Let There be Rest Topic: Sunday Message Verse: Genesis 2:1–3