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Posts Tagged with "Generosity"

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Happy New Year!

Dear Discovery, As the world prepares to ring in 2021, join with us as weprayfor our community. We areeager to see what God will do in our personal lives, at Discovery, in Davis and beyond. Here's to parterning with Him as He does a new thing! Digital Gatherings will return as usual- Sunday mornings at 10AM onYouTube, starting this Sunday, January 3rd. We'll 'see' you th...

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Make a year-end impact with Discovery- build with us!

Hello Discovery! As we mercifully come to the end of a tumultuous, challenging, saddening, stretching year, I want to say one thing: I am so proud of you. I am so grateful to be a part of this community. This community that has adapted, grown, prayed, sacrificed and served, together. I am amazed at your individual and collective response. When it would have been easy t...

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Generosity and Good News Stories

Hello!We are excited to host our nextGenerosity Conversationthis comingFriday night. Round one was a lot of brainstorming and hearing from our community. This time we hope to focus on a couple of tangible responses, so join us:we need to hear from you as we move forward together!Details:Friday, April 24th, 8:00PM Email for Zoom link information Al...

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Holy Week, Easter, Ways to Serve

Hello!According to the Gospel of John, Jesus very early in his public ministry made this bold proclamation: "Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days." It wasn't until much later that anyone really understood what he was talking about.We enter now intoHoly Week, a time set aside forremembering the death of Jesus, but also forcelebrating his resurrection...

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Generosity and the Practices

Dear Church Family,The theme of last week's update was Generosity, and we are excited to continue that conversation.Scott Palmerwill be hostinga zoom meeting this Friday night at 8:00 pm so that we can dream together about a generous responseto this moment individually and collectively. (Link to the meeting here).Hope to see you there!The other invitation of our social dis...

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Hello Discovery Family,Thank you for your patience during this crazy time!I appreciate the grace you have extendedus as our staff and so many others areworking hard on communication and resources for us. We will likely have more to update you on later in the week, so stay tuned! Your engagement brings us much joy!Today's update and video are all aboutgenerosity. We structu...

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